Although the 4th of August was leaded with an iron hand by Ioannis Metaxas, there were other important personalities involved who played a key role in the regime. Here are their biographies*.
Main Ministers
- Theologos Nikoloudis [Θεολόγος Νικολούδης], “the Greek Joseph Goebbels”, vice-minister of Propaganda, Press and Tourism
- Konstantinos Maniadakis [Κωνσταντίνος Μανιαδάκης], “the Greek Heinrich Himmler”, vice-minister of Interior, Police and Security Services
- Kostas Kotzias [Κώστας Κοτζιάς], “the Greek Rudolf Hess”, minister for the Capital District of Athens
- Ioannis Diakos [Ιωάννης Διάκος], minister without portfolio and one of Metaxas’ closest associates
- Alexandros Koryzis [Αλέξανδρος Κορυζής], minister of Social Welfare and prime minister successor to Metaxas
Other key personalities
- Sitsa Karaïskaki [Σίτσα Καραϊσκάκη], “the Greek Alfred Rosenberg”, leading intellectual and propagandist of the regime
- Nelly, “the Greek Leni Riefenstahl”, official photographer of the 4th of August regime
- Prodromos Bodosakis-Athanasiadis [Πρόδρομος Μποδοσάκης Αθανασιάδης], Greece’s chief industrialist
- King George II of Greece
- Alexandros Kanellopoulos [Αλέξανδρος Ν. Κανελλόπουλος] (biography soon)
*For the uninitiated, for the sake of clarity a parallelism with the better-known Nazi regime is provided so that the reader has an idea of the role each one had.
Mention: » The end of the Fourth of August regime | METAXAS PROJECT | Ioannis (John) Metaxas