metaxas fascist

Was the 4th of August regime really fascist?

One usual debate about the Fourth of August regime is whether it was a fascist regime. In rough numbers, about one third of historians consider it ‘fascist’, while the other two thirds consider it ‘authoritarian’, ‘quasi-fascist’, ‘radical conservative’ and so […]

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EON greek fascist youth Metaxas

Remebering the ceremony of the first EON phalanx

This is the English translation of an article published in a French newspaper about the swearing ceremony of the first phalanx of the EON, the National Youth Organization, under the presidence of Metaxas. Yesterday at noon, in the presence of the […]

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Metaxas, Women, and the Nation

Until we secure mothers of conscience for Greece, we must emphasise the family order… As the family is the basic cell of every society, mothers also constitute the primary foundation of society. (H Neolaia, July 1937) The compounded impact of the […]

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