eon girls

25 miscellaneous pictures of the EON

The EON (Ethniki Organosis Neolaias) was one of the greatest creations of the 4th of August state. Metaxas believed that the Greek youth should be indoctrinated in the eternal Hellenic values to enable them to create the ‘Third Hellenic civilization‘ […]

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Pictures from the 1939 Festival of Water

These are 50 pictures taken from an almost pagan Festival which took place near Marathonas dam, Greece, in 1939 under Metaxas. It was called “Festival of Water” (“Η γιορτή του νερού”) and dancers performed a number of dances and rituals […]

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Greek fascists

The EON – The Greek fascist youth of Metaxas

Given the limits on his personal power as dictator and a lack of a social base for his regime, Metaxas turned to the example set by the contemporary fascist regimes, deciding that the creation of a youth movement on the […]

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metaxas uniform

Metaxas’ speech on the EON

Excerpts of a speech by Ioannis Metaxas at the First Congress of the Regional Commanders of the EON. Concering the organization’s objectives: “What are the aims of the organization? King! (Tempest of applause, acclamations and manifesations of all types) King! Country! […]

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